• A Video Inside a Blog Post

    Proin varius, velit vel bibendum porta, nisl mi ultricies arcu, vitae euismod dui ante vel est. Praesent pretium, nisi ac ultrices blandit, velit elit dignissim nibh, a sodales diam mauris ac urna. In iaculis risus id diam vulputate vestibulum. Aenean tincidunt ornare lacus, interdum consequat enim tempus ut. Donec porta commodo quam ut hendrerit. Mauris v...

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  • An Audio Inside a Blog Post

    Stumptown aesthetic aliquip, vice +1 dolor do skateboard plaid mumblecore. VHS odd future excepteur YOLO forage. Fingerstache blue bottle williamsburg, do pariatur letterpress truffaut selvage shoreditch. Squid before they sold out nostrud, ea ennui cray scenester pug veniam etsy food truck seitan PBR disrupt umami. Banjo laborum hoodie, skateboard nostrud...

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    Get a Piece of Woot’s Birthday Action

    Happy Woot’s 9th birthday, y’all! If we could, we’d stop by your desk, cockpit, dugout, lifeguard chair, or clown car and have a piece of cake with you. But any idiot knows that’s impossible, so instead, we’re inviting you to eat video cake with us in a live stream we’re calling Bag of Cake! If it’s between 9 AM an...

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    Dark Arbuckle: Woot Weads The Wire

    Every week in this space, we’ll take a look at the news and offer our own incisive blend of commentary, analysis, and poop jokes. The news you need, from a voice you can trust, in the 90 seconds you have to spare: that’s Woot Weads the Wire. A North Carolina judge says a woman convicted of resisting a public officer and being intoxicated and disruptive m...

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